Friday, 8 January 2016

Nurgle Blightkings pt. 2

So after a little indecision on how to go about painting this unit. I went with a few options such as:

  • Dark yet perhaps a muted red on certain cloth areas to link my Nurgle warband to my Khorne units. 
  • Pallid bone coloured armour. Once complete, it will be decorated with oils and puss seeping from the armour. A bit like The Cleaved from 40k.
  • A second armour colour is to be added in amongst certain areas as an offset. I'm thinking something similar to the image below (borrowed from White Dwarf Issue 38). Opinions?

So here we have an image of progress thus far.

First layer of Mephiston Red is on, with a heavy wash of Reikland Flesh Shade. Armour and the teeth surrounding his belly-maw are Zandri Dust.

In this photo I've also brought in a few more washes in the recesses with Agrax Earthshade, then focused on a few extra areas such as the sores, the maw on the end of the tentacle, the horn on his head and created an oozing effect above the belly area.

I couldn't resist using a bit Nihilakh Oxide on the axe blade. Citadel's technical paints are pretty fun, and much easier than making up the paints yourself.

I must admit that these miniatures are a joy to paint - they're so full of character and each one is unique, so it's like you've got a unit of heroes! Build-wise, I think the main issue with these minis is the fact you don't have classic joins i.e Space Marines and WoC Marauders. I understand GW's decision - so that it would create more dynamic poses and detail, but it is quite a headache for conversions and kitbashing. A simple head swap using a BK head on a WoC Warrior is actually quite difficult and involves a little bit of green stuff.

Still at an indecision on how I should base them, and whether or not to keep the bone coloured armour scheme. Do I opt for the metal armour scheme I mentioned above and go for a more brown/rat like colour scheme for his mutations/skin or do I press forward like this? 

Questions, questions...

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