Monday, 25 January 2016

Lord of Plagues Pt. 1

So I've decided to start building a 'scratch-built/kit-bashed' Chaos Lord/Lord of Plagues. Starting with the standard bearer body from the Putrid Blightkings set - I'm building on this to create a unique character.

 I've started with a rock, stuck down with a Green Stuff/ Superglue mix, and shaven off the small rock which normally features under the PB's right foot. Then stuck on the rock with another GS/Superglue mix (Seriously, it's possibly one of the strongest bonds I've ever used for my miniatures and really simple. Just a small ball of GS (small enough to not poke out the sides once in place) and then covered in a small amount of Superglue, and stick!).

I'm not 100% keen on the default pelt half-cape thing going on with this Blightking, so I've decided make one myself. I used vaseline to keep the GS wet, mouldable and not stick to my sculpting tool (as per the advice of this chap) I've extended the fur out a bit and ripped a few holes in to the GS before drying. Now that this fully dry I plan to go at it a bit with the hobby knife to try and make it look slightly more Chaotic and free flowing. (Also note the little trio of pustules on his left thigh).

I'm hoping to pick up Otto Glott's scythe from somewhere on the internet soon as a weapon choice - with which I can proxy for a great weapon or axe for both Chaos Lord and Lord of Plague Warscrolls. As for the left arm - I'm a little lost and can't quite think of an adequate weapon choice. Any ideas? Let me know! Considering a Chaos Knight helmet may work quite well with this model.

Also - critique is always welcome.

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